Truffel ceremonie Magic truffle ceremony 28-05-22

 Magic truffle ceremony 28-05-22 via truffel ceremonie

Truffle ceremony theme

On 28 May 2022, we will organise an open group truffle ceremony. The theme of this open ceremony is connectedness. If we look beyond the separation that our ego shows us, everything is connected. This psychedelic ceremony will allow you to experience that connectedness in different forms.

At the beginning of the truffle ceremony, we will briefly discuss how the theme can be used to achieve goals. We also advice about what to watch before the truffle ceremony.

Truffle + blue lotus ceremony

This ceremony is based on magic truffles with the option of using the relaxing effects of blue lotus.

During the week before the ceremony, information about the theme will be shared via Whatsapp/Telegram/email. Outside of the group theme, everyone can use their own personal themes for therapy or personal growth, for example.

More information on blue lotus

Blue lotus

For whom is this truffle ceremony suitable?

At this ceremony, the dosage of truffles (psilocybin) will be low to high (by arrangement) and therefore this ceremony is accessible to everyone without contra-indications. At the day of the ceremony we can discuss what dosage is convenient for you. For beginners we recommend taking the first total dose in two stages to get a feel for the amount and effects.

Read more about the different trip levels

Saturday 28 May 2022

Saturday 28 May, the doors open at 15:00. As a participant, please make sure you are present at 15:30 at the latest. After we are all present and settled in, while enjoying a soothing cup of tea, the session will start somewhere between 15:30 and 16:00 and has an estimated end time of 22:00 – 23:30. In some cases we can start earlier and we will discuss this with the participants.

The truffle ceremony

This truffle ceremony is based on magic truffles (psilocybin) and optional the blue lotus. The truffles give a strong psychedelic effect and in consultation with you we determine which dosage is suitable for you. The blue lotus gives a calming effect. The combination of these substances gives a nice synergetic effect. During this ceremony we offer an extra intake moment one hour after the first intake. This way one can feel if it is useful to deepen the journey. More experienced travellers can usually handle a higher dose.

The doses

For whom is a truffle ceremony suitable?


The location

The Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam is a beautiful space for small group ceremonies with a maximum of 6 participants. The carefully chosen art and other objects will give the psychedelic ceremony an extra dimension. Every corner of the room has a different theme and you can choose your own spot.

More information about the Psychedelic Loft Schiedam

The size of the group

In this ceremony a maximum of 4 participants can take part and we work with 1 facilitator. The advantage of a relatively small group is the space to make your own journey while the group feeling is present. It is not too quiet and not too busy either.

The overnight stay

For this ceremony, an overnight stay is not necessary but recommended. If you live nearby, you can still go home by public transport or you can be picked up from around 23-24 hrs. For those who are not going home, we have the possibility to stay overnight without extra charge. We have two rooms, one with a double bed and one with a single bed. Furthermore, for those who want to stay overnight we can divide the rest of the space by using mattresses or the sofa bed. For those who want to drive home themselves, we recommend that you do not drive until at least 10 hours have elapsed since you took the drug and that you consult with us.

The costs

The price to participate in this ceremony is 300 euros per person and includes:

  • Psychedelics
  • Personal preparation if required
  • Dinner after the ceremony and food and drink as required
  • Accommodation if required/necessary

Reservation or questions?

Please contact us if you would like to participate in this ceremony. You can also contact us if you have any further questions.

Click here for the contact form

Contact via chat apps

Nowadays, chatting via chat apps such as Whatsapp and Telegram is the easiest way to get in touch quickly. The phone number we use for these chat apps is 0640898455.

Chat via Whatsapp

Contact via email

Although e-mailing is used less and less frequently, you can of course also contact us by e-mail. You can e-mail us at the following e-mail address.

Contact by telephone

Do you prefer to call? You can also reach us at telephone number 0640898455. In case we are unable to speak to you, please use the option above to ask us to call you.

Other psychedelic ceremonies

On all other dates, you can schedule a ceremony with your own group. Check the available days in the agenda via the link below.

All open group sessions

Our agenda for individual or self-organised group sessions

Het originele bericht komt van de onderstaande link

LSD therapie: Magic truffle ceremony 28-05-22

In samenwerking met Psilocybine therapie Nederland hebben wij dit bericht geplaatst om u beter van dienst te kunnen zijn op gebied van truffel en paddo ceremonies

Magic truffle ceremony 28-05-22


Het originele bericht komt van de onderstaande link

Psychedelica therapie: Magic truffle ceremony 28-05-22

Een truffelceremonie combineren met gezonde voeding, supplementen en beweging kan owrden ingezet als alternatieve en holistische behandeling tegen depressie, burn-out, stress, angst, laag zelfbeeld, sociale angst, PTSS, onzekerheid en chronische ontstekingsziekten.


In samenwerking met deze onze partners:

Neurotransmitter test
Psilocybine kopen
Psilocybine therapie Nederland
Psychedelic therapy
Triptherapie forum
Truffel ceremonie
Truffel therapie

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